IATSE Local 488
IATSE Local 488

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IATSE National Benefit Fund (NBF)


For every day you work for an employer under a Motion Picture IATSE contract in the Local 488 jurisdiction (Film, Television and Commercial productions), the employer makes a contribution to a fund designated for your individual use. You do not pay income tax on employer contributions. To find the contribution amounts, please refer to our current Contracts.

You do not need to be a member of Local 488 to receive these benefits. Employer contributions are made on behalf of all employees working in our Local 488 Covered Crafts.

The IATSE National Benefit Fund (NBF) is a non-profit company that administers the funds contributed by the employers. It is governed by a board of trustees which includes members from both the IATSE and the employers.

The NBF is an independent entity that operates separately from IATSE or Local 488.


The IATSE National Benefit Fund (NBF) was established by the IATSE through collective bargaining with various entertainment industry employers. Generally, funding comes from contributing employers that are engaged in industries such as live theatre, motion picture, television, commercials, music videos, and trade shows that have Collective Bargaining Agreements with IATSE or an affiliated local union.

The NBF is governed by Boards of Trustees made up of an equal number of representatives of the IATSE (labor) and the employers (management). The NBF includes the Pension, Annuity, Health & Welfare, and Vacation Funds. Employees and employers participate in one or more Funds, depending on the terms of their Collective Bargaining Agreement. You can call the Fund Office directly at 1-800-456-FUND (3863)


Check your mail for your NBF coverage selection form. They are mailed approximately three weeks before the start of each quarter, with a cut-off date on the 15th of the month, prior to the start of the new quarter.  Your selection for coverage must be made by March 15th, June 15th, September 15th and December 15th each year in order to retain your coverage.

To enroll in the Medical Reimbursement Program (MRP) as a stand-alone option, you must provide proof that you have employer or union-sponsored group health insurance that meets the minimum value standards of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and will cover you and/or your family in 2022. This can be your domestic partner, wife or husband's employer-based insurance plan. You must send in a photo of the card every year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Participant Services team at psc@iatsenbf.org or review the most up-to-date plan booklet on the NBF website.

Download the attachments below to view the Summary of Benefits and Coverage for Plans C1, C2, C3, C4 and Plan C MRP.

For step-by-step instructions for online NBF enrollment, with screengrabs of the website, please see Local 479's detailed




Benefits At A Glance
Cobra Rates
NBF Census Card
For new participants or change of address
NBF "Home Plan" Form
Submit to production BEFORE starting work under an MPI Local
CVS CareMark
(Prescription Plan)

Introduction Videos To Your National Benefits Fund
Dec 14, 2023
IATSE Local 8, Stagehands in Philadelphia, PA have put together these two video tutorials on understandoing your National Benefits Fund.

Page Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023 (02:59:00)
IATSE Local 488
5105 SW 45th Ave #204
Portland, OR 97221
  (503) 232-1523

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