Your Action! Our Jobs!
Please read the info below and send in you letter today!
The 2017 Oregon Legislative Session starts next Wednesday and the Greenlight Oregon program (a vital part of our film incentive) is up for renewal (it expires on January 1, 2018) which is addressed in House Bill 2244.
This is a section of the incentive that reverts (rebates) employee income taxes back to the employer.
We need to do everything we can to keep this because if this goes away, our incentive drops from 20% to under 14% and our work will probably drop off too.
HB2244 (the bill):
“Expands definition of “qualifying film production” to include large-scale, one-time sporting event, or group of closely related sporting events, of national or international significance. Permits Oregon Film and Video Office to deduct from labor rebate amounts spent on workforce development and educational efforts for qualifying film production.
Extends sunset of the program from January 1, 2018, to January 1, 2024.”
We will probably have our first hearing for HB2244 in front of the House Committee on Economic Development & Trade within a few weeks. We need members and vendors to write letters of support for the bill and be sent to the committee in the interim.
You can send a PDF of a letter of support to this email: hecdt.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov and address it to Rep. Ann Lininger, Chair and Members of the House Economic Development and Trade Committee. Be sure to reference HB2244.
A sample letter is available in the attachment to this email. You can copy and paste this info and fill in the blanks before sending. Also please delete information in the letter that does not pertain to your situation.
The letters should include:
- A statement of your connection to the industry (i.e. are you a crew member, a vendor, etc).
- A statement of how you came to work in the Film Industry in Oregon
- Did you move here for the work?
- Did you get your first job here
- A statement on the high quality off jobs we have through this work which include solid wages and benefits including both health and retirement.
- Add in any investments you have made back to the industry such as purchases of: equipment, vehicles, & specialty tools. This shows the Legislature that the incentive is not the only investment in the program, the crew invests also.
- Also please mention the infrastructure that has been created over the past ten years that keeps us competitive. And that if we have a slowdown in productions in Oregon it would create an expedited drain of this infrastructure (equipment, crews, expendable supplies, and vendors) out of Oregon.
A sample letter was emailed to all Members which you may use to build your personalized letter.
If you need another copy of this sample letter please email cdavid at vicepresident@iatse488.org